Pawsphere Community Standards

Effective Date: 13 January 2019

Being part of the Pawsphere community is a commitment to be responsible to our pets, our community and our environment. Here’s what we expect of our members.

Responsible and humane pet stewardship

Being part of the Pawsphere community is a commitment to responsible and humane pet stewardship. Pets are living breathing animals, just like us. They deserve to be treated humanly and fairly.

They are imperfect like us and may require our patience at times. If you feel unequipped, reach out for help or education from the real or on-line world. If you see or know of someone treating an animal in an inhumane way, if appropriate, try to gently help or educate. Note though, some situations may require broader support form other authorities, such as the police or animal cruelty officers.

Always keep in mind that your and your pet’s relationship is a mutual, two-way relationship.

Responsible community membership

Our community spans the real and on-line world. Be kind in both. Treat each other with empathy and kindness in your local community and on our platform’s community. Share these communities harmoniously with people with and without pets in their lives – both are valid ways of living.

Keep offensive content off Pawsphere: We rely on our community to help us identify this content. Contact us or flag content that violates our Terms of Service. Consider contacting law enforcement if required.

Create and post your own content: We support the original creators of content. Respect what they made and create your own great content. If you post something that is not yours, know that it may be taken down in addition to other consequences you may face.

Be mindful of people with and without pets in your community. We respect each other and the rules. Be a role model for the responsible pet community that all people can appreciate regardless if pets are part of their lives or not.

Regardless of the community, we’re all in this together.

Responsible environmental impact

We and our pets are part of the environment – let’s keep it in good shape so we all can keep enjoying it.

Clean up after your pet. Try to minimize your and their impact on the environment. Try to make pet related choices that make a smaller environmental footprint.

Follow rules and regulations in parks and wildlife areas. These rules are usually to protect all the animals (including us!).

Protecting and maintaining the environment is everyone’s responsibility.