Q&A with SPCA Volunteer

If you love animals but aren’t quite ready to commit to caring for one at home, you might want to volunteer at an animal hospital or shelter.  Volunteering is a great way to get your dose of furry love while helping animals in need.

The BCSPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) is one of many agencies that works for the safety, protection, and general well being of animals. They are the only animal welfare organization in BC with the authority to enforce animal cruelty laws under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. SPCA volunteers work in the shelters, assist with dog walking, cat wellness, rabbit and small animal care, and work in the offices doing fundraising, advocacy, education, administrative support, special events, volunteer coordination, fostering, and more. We caught up with volunteer Elizabeth Peron from the Vancouver SPCA to ask about her experience volunteering.  Here’s what she had to say:

BCSPCA Volunteer Elizabeth Peron

Q. Do you have any pets at home?
A. I have a Manx cat named Bea she is about 10 years old. For anyone who is not familiar with the Manx breed they do not really have a normal tail and have longer legs at back like a rabbit. She is very affectionate and cuddly.

Q. What led you to volunteer at the SPCA?
A. I moved out here from Ontario in 2015 and tried other volunteer jobs but none really appealed to me and I saw on Facebook that SPCA was looking for volunteers and applied.

Q. What experience did you have with animals before volunteering?
A. Previous experience I had was having my own pets and growing up on the farm with animals. 

Q. What is the volunteer work you do?
A. I am an ambassador, so greet people when they come into the shelter and show them animals. I also sometimes work in the store. Our goal is to represent the shelter.

Q. What is the most rewarding thing about your volunteer work?  
A. The most rewarding thing is seeing animals go home to their new owners 

Q. What is the most challenging thing about your volunteer work? 
The most challenging thing with my volunteer work is seeing people have to surrender an animal for some reason, especially if they can not find pet friendly housing.

Q. What’s something that you think any person interested in having a pet should know?
A People should know that pets take a lot of time and patience but it is well worth it. They become members of your family

Thank you Elizabeth for sharing your volunteer experience with Pawsphere! If you’re a volunteer with a pet organization and want to share your story, please contact us!

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